Hi ! i study medicine veterinary and this post is about my profession. since i was a child i like the animals and my dream was to work with them. When i was a child my other career options were to work in a farm and be farmer but my brother and father said to me: This is a bad work because you will have very little money. Then when i was in shcool i really didn't know what to study because medicine veterinay is a career whit problems in her labor future. Finally when I was finishing school i choose stady medicine veterinary and go for my dream.
Now i am studying in university of chile and this first months are fantastic because there are many animals and this is my fovorite topic. In this career there are many kind of job because there are diferent specializations, For example: major clinic , minor clinic , animal production, public health etc. I like minor clinic but need know all the specializations.
Naty!is so amazing that you are making yours dreams come true! study that you really want is the best thing in the life!! and we have so many years to go for decided what specializations we want!!