miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Laminitis: This is a food diseases. Is caused by differences in pressure in the veins of food. A horse with this condition  in the future don´t walk.

Colic: is a stomachache. Different things can caused colic

Colitis: Is a gastrointestinal diseas. The horse has high temperatures, despondency, and diarrhea. Many horses die for this diseas.

Ringworm: is a is a skin disease caudes by two fungus: Trichopylon and microsporos. The funcus are specially in back, head, neck rib. Is very contagiousTendinitis: Is a infammation of a tendon. is painful and is caused by virus or overloaded


This page is great because has a complete description  of the rabbit, there are information about feeding, habitad, pet rabbit, and photos. The most interesting section is RABBIT FACTS. This section has simple but important rabbit Data. Also in the page there are information of others animals 

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

A Country I would like to visit

: Italy 

This post is about a country: Italy,  I would like go to Italy because italian is my favorite language, In my opinion is a beautiful and interesting country. 
Italy is very population country thank many thing like ancient Rome. In the past Roma was a very important empire and the people did amazing construction. Today Roma and Italy are very famous for Roman Coliseum Also about Italy i know the food like pizza, lasagna, spaghetti, etc. and football. The italian football called Calcio and is very competitive. Italy is the second most successful national team in the history of the Worl Cup behind Bazil, Having won four titles.  
Besides Roma there are other impotantan italian cities like Venecia, Milán, Florencia and Génova. This cities was more impotartan than Roma for italian economy in century XI because was traders cities. 
In Italy  I would like to learn Italian, visit Roman coliseum and Tower of Pisa and go to important museum,  but also l  like study architecture,  because architecture in Italy is more importan than Chile and in the future work in Chile. I would like live in Italy but for a short time

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

Webquest 2

Visit the Animals Section > Photos

 I like this picture because the  polar bear is one my favorite animals and i like the snow. In this photo there are two polars bear, the mom and an baby polar bear and is beautiful because the mom are help the  baby.

In this picture there are a birts in my opinios this is a very special animal because has amazing and big varied of color and song, this is very important for nature because thanks of birts the nature is more beautiful 

Visit Video Section > Animals


This is the most video because ir very entertaining
The video consist in a cat but this cat has a small camera in his neck then the camera record when the cat hunting a mause is  amazing  because the cat is very fast and finally the cat eats the mouse


This video is about lions vs. zebra
Fist in the video talk about excellent sight of lion, then the lion hunting the zebra, is incredible because the zebras are more big of lions but the lions are more strong. The lion kill zebra biting her neck

3) Recommend the seccion enviroment because in its subseccion you can learn about the worlds problems like global warminig or pollution this topic ere vey  importat because you can reflect about this and help the word